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Janaza Notice

Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Raajioon [Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return]

Dear brothers and sisters,

Assalamu Alaikum

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing away of Al Hajj Naufan Meerapillai, of 31 Byron Street, Clayton South, Melbourne Victoria,  today. He is the beloved husband of Hanoon Hameed Sultan,  father of Arshad, Ishara and Inshirah.

Son of Meerappillai Abdul Cader and Aysha Umma Nainappillai (Marhoom)

Brother of Rijal (Marhoom), Subuhan (Marhoom), Thalib, Sajan, Jariya, Shiyama (Australia) and Ferozia (Australia).

Uncle of Rehan (Australia), Dhanish (Australia), Haneen (Australia), Nafras,

Aadhila (Australia), Zathia (Australia), Riyazath, Jennifer, Mafaz, Malhara, Shihnas, Anoosa, Nusra, Sujani, Najla (Canada)

Brother in law of Ilmudeen, Nowfil (Australia), Bazeer (Australia), Hakeem, Hazali (London), Hanook (London), Hameem (Marhoum), Zeenathul Rabia, Mazoora, Rameena.

The Janaza is currently at the  Lysterfield Mosque (ISOMER), 1273 Wellington Rd, Lysterfield VIC 3156.

The Janaza prayer will take place on Saturday 26th March 2022 (tomorrow) at Lysterfield  Mosque at 11am and the burial will be at Dandenong Community Cemetery Kirkham Road at 12 noon, Insha Allah.

We all join in prayers and make dua that Allah (SWT) forgive his sins and admit him to the highest levels of Jannathul Firdous, A'meen.

Arshad (0406288762)

Nowfil (0435555691)

Bazeer (0425657452)

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