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முஸ்லீம் பெண் எழுத்தாளருக்கு, கிடைத்த அன்பான வரவேற்பு

முஸ்லீம் பெண் எழுத்தாளர்க்கு கிடைத்த அன்பான வரவேற்பு

Senifa Saneer came to the university  to explain the life of a Muslim woman who was interrupted by four walls and to tell us about Jinnah Upalila. She received a warm welcome from lovely readers.

The novel 'Sulan Sarata' is a great literary explanation about the Sri Lankan Muslim society.

′′ I write what I know, what I understand." she humbly said.

′′ They Failed to Kill Her ′′ is one of the four most famous artworks recommended for the 2018 Ration Literature Award.

The new story of 'Windy' is her latest.


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