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தமிழ் கூட்டமைப்பு ரணிலை சாதகமாக பயன்படுத்தும் - மகிந்த எச்சரிக்கை

தமிழ் தேசிய கூட்டமைப்பினர் அரசியல் சுயாட்சியைப் பெற்றுக்கொள்வதற்கு ரணில் அரசாங்கத்துக்கு அளிக்கின்ற ஆதரவை பயன்படுத்துவார்கள் என்று எதிர்க் கட்சித் தலைவர் மகிந்த ராஜபக்ச எச்சரித்துள்ளார்.

நொச்சியாகம பகுதியில் நேற்று இடம்பெற்ற நிகழ்வில் கலந்து பேசிய போதே அவர் இவ்வாறு குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார். இது தொடர்பாக பேசிய மகிந்த ராஜபக்ச,

மூன்று தசாப்தகால உள்நாட்டு யுத்தத்தினால் சாதிக்கமுடியாமல் போனதை பிரதமர் ரணில் விக்ரமசிங்கவின் அரசாங்கத்துக்கு அளிக்கும் ஆதரவின் மூலமாக தமிழ் தேசிய கூட்டமைப்பு சாதிப்பதற்கு அனுமதிக்கக்கூடாது.

அரசாங்கத்துக்கு அளிக்கின்ற ஆதரவு மூலமாக தமிழ் தேசிய கூட்டமைப்பு அரசியல் ஆதாயம் அடையக்கூடும். போரின் மூலமாக அடையமுடியாததை அரசியலமைப்பின் ஊடாக அவர்கள் அடைந்துவிட ஒருபோதும் அனுமதிக்கவே கூடாது.

புதிய அரசியலமைப்பொன்றை பிரதமர் விக்ரமசிங்க அறிமுகப்படுத்தும்போது சூழ்ச்சித்தனமான வழிவகைகளின் ஊடாக தமிழ் தேசிய கூட்டமைப்பினர் அரசியல் சுயாட்சியைப் பெற்றுக்கொள்வதற்கு தாங்கள் அரசாங்கத்துக்கு அளிக்கின்ற ஆதரவை பயன்படுத்துவார்கள்.

இந்த நாடு பிரிக்கப்படவோ அல்லது துண்டாடப்படவோ முடியாதது. எல்லோரும் ஐக்கியப்பட்டு நிற்கவேண்டும் என்றார்.


  1. This warning given by Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and present Leader of Opposition should be taken seriously. Look at the statements made by M.M. Sumanthiran - a "NON-ENTITY" in parliament because Sumanthiran has violated the 19th., constitution and yet sits in parliament as an MP when he holds a "Dual citizenship".
    This fellow Sumanthiran also plans to get the UNF/Ranil gang to get the East and North amalgamated before the next general elections which the Muslims in the East should "NOT ALLOW" under any situation, Insha Allah.
    This is a barking Tamil TNA "dog" barking at Mahinda Rajapaksa, making it's way to try and become the leader of the TNA in the absence of R. Sambandan. This "barking Tamil TNA dog" was chased away by the Tamil Diaspora when he attempted to make a public speech to the Tamil diaspora in Australia recently during a visit along with his wife. The Norwegian Tamil diaspora seems NOT to accept Sumandiram as a possible TNA leader in the future.
    The Western powers are grooming Sumanthiran as their next leader of the TNA. Making Sumanthiran a "barking dog" against Mahinda Rajapaksa seems to be another strategy the Western powers are desperately doing to damage the popularity Mahinda Rajapaksa is gaining among the minority groups in the Island/country. Tamils are coming more closer to Mahinda in recent times. The Muslims have already drifted towards Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Western powers and the EU wants to curtail this trend.
    Noor Nizam.
    Convener - "The Muslim Voice".

  2. This warning given by Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and present Leader of Opposition should be taken seriously. Look at the statements made by M.M. Sumanthiran - a "NON-ENTITY" in parliament because Sumanthiran has violated the 19th., constitution and yet sits in parliament as an MP when he holds a "Dual citizenship".
    This fellow Sumanthiran also plans to get the UNF/Ranil gang to get the East and North amalgamated before the next general elections which the Muslims in the East should "NOT ALLOW" under any situation, Insha Allah.
    This is a barking Tamil TNA "dog" barking at Mahinda Rajapaksa, making it's way to try and become the leader of the TNA in the absence of R. Sambandan. This "barking Tamil TNA dog" was chased away by the Tamil Diaspora when he attempted to make a public speech to the Tamil diaspora in Australia recently during a visit along with his wife. The Norwegian Tamil diaspora seems NOT to accept Sumandiram as a possible TNA leader in the future.
    The Western powers are grooming Sumanthiran as their next leader of the TNA. Making Sumanthiran a "barking dog" against Mahinda Rajapaksa seems to be another strategy the Western powers are desperately doing to damage the popularity Mahinda Rajapaksa is gaining among the minority groups in the Island/country. Tamils are coming more closer to Mahinda in recent times. The Muslims have already drifted towards Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Western powers and the EU wants to curtail this trend.
    Noor Nizam.
    Convener - "The Muslim Voice".

  3. He has started the communal drama.....

  4. Total Failure for “Rajapakse Voice” propaganda.

    Noor Nizam க்கு பணம் கொடுப்பதை மகிந்த நிறுத்தப்போகிறாராம்.

  5. Ajan Antonyraj is a person of very "LOW INTELIGENCY", as I can understand from all his comments. Again, his above comment is nonsense.
    Comments should be "CONSTRUCTIVE" and "CRITICAL IN ANALYSIS" professionally. Making "COMMENTS FOR THE SAKE OF MAKING COMMENTS" is "FOOLISH" and "IDIOTIC". Let the readers make the judgement please, Insha Allah.
    Noor Nizam.
    Convener - "The Muslim Voice".

  6. So called "Convener of muslims". Are there any truths in the statements you make about Rajapaksha and the support he enjoys from minority communities? Where is the evidence?
    If you tell LIES then you are a god damn LIAR.
    If you are fantasist imagining things, that makes you a MADMAN.
    Book yourself into Angoda or get lost from this site.

  7. REPLY TO Sudava Peeranki!
    Answer to your question: Are there any truths in the statements you make about Rajapaksha and the support he enjoys from minority communities?
    I am a Political Communication Researcher and as such, I professionally read almost all theTamil and English Social media and Web newspapers while I also read all the National Sri Lankan news websites and newspapers and browse the TV news and political programes of all TV channels broadcasted in Sri Lanka daily/weekly. I spend a lot of time analysing the publications and use professional analytic formulas of Communication science to drive at the conclusions I make, which includes studying the "comments" made by viewers/readers. My span of news webpages, Social Media publications and internet publications every day are very wide. What I have derived professionally since 2014/2015 till now is the absolute trend of the Muslim community and "THAT IS THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY IN SRI LANKA (20%) of the Vote Bank that voted MY3/HANSAYA in 2015) HAS ALREADY DRIFTED TO MAHINDA RAJAPAKSA CAMP. The Tamil votes who are with the TNA and the other mushroom Tamil parties, 10% have drifted towards Mahinda camp by now. Sambandan and Sumanthiran have become very unpopular among the Tamil voters in the North and East, as you should know. Just see, a video news release/item in Muslim social media publication/website about a statement made by a Muslim politician close to the UNP regarding the "Mahinda Pela/JO" had nearly 263 "NEGATIVE" comments against this Muslim politician. So without probing the truth and not knowing the reality, I advice you to refrain from making sensational comments.
    Noor Nizam.
    Convener - "The Muslim Voice".

  8. He always talking about communal


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