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கிழக்கு மாகாணத்தில் தமிழரையே, முதலமைச்சராக்க வேண்டும் - வியாளேந்திரன்

கிழக்கு மாகாணத்தில் தமிழர் ஒருவரையே முதலமைச்சராகக் கொண்டுவர வேண்டும் என நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர் வியாளேந்திரன் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.

மழடித்தீவு சந்தியில் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள நினைவுத்தூபி புனரமைப்பு நிறைவடைந்த நிலையில் இன்று -22- காலை திறந்து வைக்கப்பட்டது. இந்த நிகழ்வில் கலந்து கொண்டு கருத்து தெரிவிக்கும் போதே அவர் இதனை தெரிவித்துள்ளார். இதன்போது மேலும் தெரிவிக்கையில்,

புதிய அரசியலமைப்பு ஊடாக நாம் முன்நோக்கிச் சென்று கொண்டிருகின்ற சூழலில் தமிழ்த் தேசியக் கூட்டமைப்பு இன்னும் இன்னும் ஒன்றுமையைப் பலப்படுத்திக் கொண்டுதான் செல்ல வேண்டும்.

எதிர்காலத்தில் கிழக்கு மாகாணத்தில் தமிழர் ஒருவரை முதலமைச்சராகக் கொண்டுவர வேண்டும். நாங்கள் தான் கிழக்கு மாகாண சபையைக் கைப்பற்றுவோம், நாங்கள் தான் அடுத்த முறையும் கிழக்கில் முதலமைச்சராக வருவேம் என ஸ்ரீ லங்கா முஸ்லிம் காங்கிரஸின் உறுப்பினர்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றார்கள்.

எனவே முஸ்லிம் மக்களுக்குள்ளே சரியான ஒற்றுமையும், உறுதியான கருத்துப்பாடும் இருக்கின்றது. இருப்பினும் தமிழ்த் தேசியக் கூட்டமைப்புக்குள் ஒற்றுமையில்லை, சரியான புரிந்துணர்வில்லை.

இந்த நிலையில் எவ்வாறு கிழக்கு மாகாணசபையை எதிர் கொள்ளப் போகின்றோம் என கேள்வியெழுப்பியுள்ளார்.


  1. Hon viyalenthiran,

    We have to look for some leaders like Dr Abulkalam of India or Justice Ilanchelliyan of Sri Lanka to rule us by getting the leadership in the Northern and Eastern Province. I have very strong feeling that the some people with same calibre are still there within TULF and SLMC and therefore we have identify them and hand over the leadership for the betterment of both the communities.

    1. You are true, Abdul Kalam is my role model.
      Even we are prefer Abdul kalam to CV or Sampanthan.
      Abdul Kalam is such a human being i don'think so in tamil community we will have anybody like him.

  2. If the Muslims will “UNITEDLY” launch a campaign to gain the Muslim votes in the Eastern Province/Batticola, the chances of forming a Muslim Eastern Province Council/Chief Minister will not be a difficult task, Insha Allah. Muslim Alliance contestants must be “NEW FACES”, especially from the younger generation/YOUTH, Insha Allah. The Sinhala voters in the Eastern Province will rally round any anti Tamil groups. THIS IS WHERE THE MUSLIM ALLIANCE GROUP WILL BECOME A DECIDING FACTOR. It is time up that a NEW POLITICAL FORCE that will be honest and sincere that will produce "CLEAN" and diligent Muslim Politicians to stand up and defend the Muslim Community politically and otherwise, especially from among the YOUTH, has to emerge from within the Sri Lanka Muslim Community to face any new election in the coming future, Insha Allah. It is by only expressing and showing our political REPRESENTATIVE strength unitedly that we can gain our position as equals in the country. We can support any political party or idealogy, but emerging as a “NEW POLITICAL FORCE”, we will stand to gain what we are losing. We can even do this as an “Independent Group” too. Supporting the alliance of HASSANALI, BASHEER SEGU DAWOOD AND “THE KILAKKIN ELURCHI” MOVEMENT GROUPS CAN BE A REALITY. THE NEW POLITICAL FORCE OF THE MUSLIM YOUTH IN THE EAST HAS TO SUPPORT THE FORMATION OF THE “MUSLIM ALLIANCE”, INSHA ALLAH. WE MAY NOT AGREE WITH THE CHARACTERS BEHIND THIS ALLAINCE, BUT WE HAVE TO LOOK AT THE OBJECTIVE OF FORMING THIS MUSLIM ALLIANCE. IF THIS WILL BE A REALITY, SUPPORTERS OF "THE MUSLIM VOICE" IN THE EASTERN PROVINCE WILL BE SEEKING NOMINATION TO CONTEST UNDER THE MUSLIM ALLIANCE, Insha Allah. “THE MUSLIM VOICE” FULLY SUPPORTS THE FORMATION OF THIS MUSLIM ALLIANCE TO CONTEST THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS, ESPECIALLY THE EASTERN PROVINCIAL COUNCIL, Insha Allah.
    Noor Nizam. Convener – “The Muslim Voice”.

    1. Dear Noor @Rajapaksa Voice and Seeni,
      Pls make comments without dreaming too much.

      In Eeastern province, population numbers of Tamils & Muslims are more/less equal. Also, Because current CM is a Muslim, the next CM turn is to be a Tamil.

      Now a days (specially after Buddhists started getting angry on Muslims) Muslims started saying that we minoritis should join together for a common cause. Then it is the way it must go.

      You cannot bring Northern province situation in this equation. As both are now separated provinces.

  3. Are you in Mars.
    Come to concious. I am challenging that
    this time a tamilian will be a CM with a support of Allah.
    As you said, we will see how long the the muslim alliance will last long for??
    For sure Athawula will be a first man to jump to the upcoming ruling party in East.
    We have to wait and see that how many days the muslim alliance will be in alive.
    Last but not least, don't try to create any barriers between Tamils and Sinhala as you mentioned that anti tamil group rally.
    Now even Sinhala peiple are realizing the evil spirit of islam.
    So don't try to make any space between tamil and sinhala like your dirty muslim community dose,
    If we start doing that then you will even not comeout of Meeravodai school matter.
    If we are protesting with monk then you are getting angry.

  4. Mr Anushath you are very dirty filthy one
    Check out your body and mind your now support that monks anti human groups
    Insha Allah we will wait and see

  5. Mr.Anusath Chandrabal,

    When you write a comment you should remember that you are not touching the feelings of the followers of any religion. Almighty Allah has given us a message in the Holy Quran that "FOR YOU BE YOUR RELIGION FOR ME BE MINE".

    You have written in your comment that "EVIL SPRIT OF ISLAM ..... DIRTY MUSLIM COMMUNITY etc." I take this as that your knowledge is not deep enough to understand the world ruling religion of Islam. I don't want to argue with you further on this and let me come to the subject.

    Our stand is that we are not worried about whether it is Muslim donkey or Tamil donkey as CM of EP but we need a good human being as CM as the Chair is common to any body from any community but not defined to Tamil community only.

    1. I am seriously sorry if i hurt you or your community but please allow me to express the truth

  6. யாருங்க வேணாம்னா. election கேளுங்க. வெல்லுங்க. பதவிக்கு வாங்க. அதுதானே நம்மட தொழில். அப்பிடின்னா அரசியல் சடடம் கூட எங்களை ஒன்னும் செய்ய முடியாது.


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