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பாடுபாதக பயங்கரவாத, புலிகள் செய்த அக்கிரமம் (வீடியோ)

பாடுபாதக பயங்கரவாத புலிகள் செய்த அக்கிரமம் (வீடியோ)



  1. I don't know why these people want to remind a 27 year old dark incident? Hindus recall 1983...Sinhalese still talk about jaathiya, Always backwards..aren't we going forward?

    The real imaan includes the beleif that death is from ALLAH swt.

    Who knows that all of these people show in this video are blessed to be in heaven by the grace of ALLAH swt.

    ALLAH swt knows the best.

    Wa bil-qadari khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi taala: I also believed in the destiny, that everything that seems as good or evil to us take place through the knowledge, law and creation of Allah. 

  2. @ imthiyas, when ISIS kills innocent people, can you say "Muslims kill innocent ppl"?

    In the mean time, what's the prove you have that Ltte killed above ppl, as ltte denied it

    1. How many times we told, ISIS made by CIA & Israel. Media terrorism behind the scenes.(you like buffalo) who had weapons in their hands when they massacred.I think that you are suffering by insomnia, schizophrenia & epilepsy because of claiming for single country. Christian countries are no.1 for manufacturing weapons in to this world & you also converted to Christianity for money. Here after don't follow Satanism.


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