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உடல்களை அடக்கம்செய்ய அனுமதிக்க முடியாது - மனித உரிமை ஆணைக்குழுவுக்கு, சுகாதார அமைச்சு பதில

கொரோனா வைரஸ் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களின் உடல்களை அடக்கம் செய்ய முடியாது என்று சுகாதார அமைச்சு இலங்கையின் மனித உரிமை ஆணையத்திற்கு தெரிவித்துள்ளது. சுகாதார சேவைகள் பணிப்பாளர் நாயகம் டொக்டர் அசல குணவர்த்தனா இதனை உறுதிப்படுத்தியுள்ளார்.

Health Ministry informs Human Rights Commission cannot bury bodies

The Health Ministry has informed the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka that bodies of coronavirus victims cannot be buried.

Director-General of Health Services, Dr. Asela Gunawardena told the Colombo Gazette that since the expert committee appointed by the Health Ministry has not changed its decision on the matter, the remains of all coronavirus victims can only be cremated.

He said that the matter is likely to be reviewed in two months, following which the whole issue can be revisited.

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has observed that mandating cremation of coronavirus victims is unacceptable.

The Commission had told the Health Ministry that mandating the cremation of those who have died or suspected to have died from COVID-19 is neither necessary nor proportionate to the achievement of protection of public health and therefore is not a permissible restriction of the freedom to manifest religion or beliefs.

The Commission also noted that forced and rushed cremation of dead bodies prior to without procuring conclusive evidence on the cause of death and not allowing family members the opportunity to perform final rites while adhering to accepted safety measures is a violation of the freedom to manifest religion or beliefs.

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka had written to the Ministry of Health issuing observations and recommendations on the disposal of dead bodies in the context of COVID-19.

The Commission noted that as at 9th November 2O2O, 35 cremations have been carried out as related to COVID-19 out of which 17 were of the dead bodies of Muslim persons.

“In some instances, we were informed that these dead bodies (janazas) were forcibly removed from homes to the National Hospital, Colombo prior to cremation,” the Commission said.

The Commission also said that contrary to the guidelines issued by the Health Ministry, PCR tests are sometimes not conducted on the bodies at all and, in many instances, PCR results are provided only 48-72 hours after the death.

The Commission noted in this regard that it is alleged that 2 Muslim persons cremated have now been taken off the COVID-19 casualty list and in one cremated person, the PCR test has returned negative.

“Further, some of the persons that died at their homes could not have contracted the virus since they have been homebound due to disability and their family members have also stayed indoors in the weeks preceding the death,” the Commission had said.

The Commission also noted that some of the persons that were cremated as having succumbed to the COVID-19 virus could not in fact have contracted the virus since their family members have not contracted the virus within 14 days and medical attendants have not even been tested for the virus. (Colombo Gazette)


  1. Are they expertise? They are fool?

  2. Are they expertise? They are experts in the racism.

  3. சாட்சி கையொப்பமிட ஆள் தேவையாம். பக்க்ஷய கை தாக்கின ஆறு பேரும் எங்க வாப்பா?

  4. உனது ஆணவமும் மடத்தனமான அதிகார வெறியும் மிகவிரைவில் முடிவுக்கு வரும். அல்லாஹ்வுடைய சூழ்ச்சிக்கு முன்னால் உனது சூழ்ச்சி வெற்றி பெறும் என நீ காணும் கனவு உன்னை எங்கே கொண்டு போய்ச் சேர்க்கும் என நாம் மிகவிரைவில் பார்க்கத்தான் இருக்கின்றோம்.

  5. மனித உரிமைக் ஆணைக்குழு அல்ல, கௌதம புத்தர் வந்தாலும் தமது முடிவை, இனவாதிகள் மாற்றமாட்டார்கள்.


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