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அமெரிக்காவை கண்டிக்க, காலி முகத்திடலில் சங்கமிப்போம்...!

முஸ்லிம்களின் பூர்வீக பூமியான ஜெரூஸலத்தை, இஸ்ரேலின் தலை நகரமாக அறிவிப்பு செய்த அமெரிக்காவை கண்டித்து

கொழும்பு அமெரிக்க தூதரகம் முற்றுகைப் போராட்டம்

இன்ஷா அல்லாஹ்

நாளை : 01.00 மணிக்கு

கொழும்பு (Galle Face) காலி முகத்திடலில் சங்கமிப்போம்.


  1. Who is the organiser? Is it Jaffna Muslim?

  2. No point in doing this rather go and shout against hypocrites of Saudi.
    And they have done more damage to Islam any one else .
    How they did you all know it

  3. Saudi are away from Qur'an and SUNNAH far away ..
    They all are done great damage to Islam..
    Look how racists are they ?
    You live in Saudi for 20 years ..
    You do not any right
    Your children cannot go to state schools .
    If you are from poor countries you punished for any crime. If English men do any crime they could get ways one salary for English men and one for poor of Asians and African countries..
    These shits Saudi are shame for Islam and Muslim world.
    Now they serve for Jewish state .
    Do you need evidence for this ? Hundreds of evidence.
    They most inhuman people on earth today .
    All mercy that prophet taught are gone .
    They do all nasty thing when they go western countries .
    Go and see how they do it in London and praise and US cities.
    All good clerics are behind the bar.
    What you want to know more
    It is self evident

  4. What is wrong in his state... What he said is 100% correct... What is the steps have been taken against US or it's Zionist Trump... He signed after consulted with Saudi... Please open your eye and see..

  5. There are true documents Showing that Founder of Saudi arabia King Abdul azeez has Signed on an Agreement to Establish a Jewish State of Israel in Order to Please the British Empire. These Saudis Played dirty Roll to fall down the Othemamnic Empire and They used the weapon of Religion for that Purpose.

  6. هارون...
    THESE SAUDI agents will only support Saudi for money .
    Saudi has got a habit of buying people with money ..
    What a sad situation is this ..most of Muslim countries suffer now and yet they enjoy and they waste money and they do all and yet they want to be guardians of Makka and Madina.
    We have seen many
    عبدالله ابن سلول
    In Islam..stil we have them .
    I do not what sort of Muslim are they ..saudi and Saudi agents

  7. அன்பின் இஸ்லாமிய சகோதரனே உண்மையான முஸ்லிமிற்கு..முதன்மையானது ஏகத்துவமும் சுன்னாவுமே ...

    ஏகத்துவத்தினை விடவும் சுன்னாவினை விடவும் ... கிலாபத்துதான் முதலாவது எனக் கருதி முன்னிரண்டினையும் விட்டு கிழாபத்யிற்காக ஓலமிடுவது மறுமைக்கு பயன் தராது சகோதரனே... மேலும் இயக்க வாதம் பிழையானது சகோதரனே. அரசர்கள் செய்யும் பிழையை நிறுத்த புரற்ச்சி பற்றுவது இஸ்லாமிய வழிமுறையல்ல.. மகத்துவம் மறுக்கப்பட்டால் மாத்திரமே அரசனுக்கொதிறாக போராடலாம் ... அதிகமான முஸ்லிம் அரசர்கள் இன்று தூய்மயானவர்களில்லை .. மக்களும் அவ்வளவுதான்.

    1. At Rasheed correctly said. Some people oppose Saudi for different reason. Not because they have done damage to Muslim world.
      Some of those are grave worshippers some are Sufi crack heads some has very less knowledge in Islam.
      In Islam you cannot fight against a Muslim ruler even if he does bad.because it will bring more misery to the people. Ex Iraq , Libya , Egypt , Syria.
      If ur real Muslim who follow the deen. You must obey prophet ( Sal) and his Sunnah.
      “There will appear after me rulers, they will not guide by my guidance, and they will not establish my Sunnah; there will be amongst them men whose hearts will be hearts of devils in the bodies of men!” He was asked: “How should I behave, O Messenger of Allāh, if I reach that time?” He replied: “Hear and obey the Amīr (i.e. the ruler), even if he beats your back and [illegally] takes your wealth – hear and obey!” [1]

      In another authentic tradition, the Messenger (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam) stated:

      “Hear and obey the ruler in that which is difficult for you and in that which is easy for you, in times of invigoration and in times of dislike and weariness and when others are given preferential treatment over you – even if they take and consume your wealth and they beat your back – except that you do not obey them if it involves disobedience to Allāh.” [2]

  8. If muslims want to protest anyone best thing is go opposit saudi embassy and protest against zionists boot lickers sadist.don't create unwanted tension towards srilankan muslims by doing this.

  9. At the moment it is not relevant talk about Saudi. They may have wronged.
    Yet it is the duty of every muslim to demonstrate our vehement objection to Americans and the president Trump. The strongest and copious protest will really give a message to Trump and a courage to to Muslim world. We have to forget the petty deference among us. It is really a curse on our community that we tend fight among ourselves when the enemies attack us. WE ARE NOT READY TO UNITE WHEN WE ENCOUNTER A DANGER FROM OUR ENEMIES.

  10. So many saudi funded guys here to voice for there zionist master s arabia.


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